Protection Insurance


Protection Insurance

Looking after loved ones when you’ve gone.

Safeguarding your family or loved ones in your absence is more achievable and affordable than you might believe. It undoubtedly offers you peace of mind, knowing that financial security will be ensured in case of unfortunate circumstances.

Furthermore, it’s not just about their protection; it’s about yours as well. In the event of a terminal illness, your dearest ones are shielded, but you can also find comfort in knowing that you are safeguarded.

Mortgage protection

This type of cover is designed to pay off a mortgage in the event of the death of a borrower within the term of the mortgage. Your family home is so important, so take comfort in the knowledge that the roof over your head is secured for your family and loved ones.

Family protection

A mortgage isn’t the only financial worry if someone dies. Other bills and expenses still continue and with one less income, these bills become harder to pay. This is where family protection cover can provide a lump sum or income to assist the responsibilities left behind.

Critical Illness Cover

Cover for a critical illness means that if you were to be diagnosed with a serious medical condition, you would receive a tax efficient lump-sum payment. No-one would want to be worrying about their financial responsibilities when they were seriously ill, so having this type of cover in place can provide valuable reassurance for you and your family.

Income protection

Accident, sickness or unemployment could put you out of work for a time. Income protection cover is often the answer and it could meet your mortgage payments too. Accident Sickness and Unemployment Insurance can be a short solution whereas Income Protection (Permanent Health Insurance) is often a longer term solution.